Constitution Day Resources

In September 1787, the Founders signed the most influential document in American history, the U.S. Constitution. On Constitution Day, the National Constitution Center presents a series of programs and events highlighting the history and meaning of the document.
What Is Constitution Day?
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day commemorate the Constitution's signing and recognize all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens. By law, "the civil and educational authorities of States, counties, cities, and towns are urged to make plans for the proper observance of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day and for the complete instruction of citizens in their responsibilities and opportunities as citizens of the United States and of the State and locality in which they reside."
Read The Public LawWhen Is Constitution Day Observed?
September 17 is designated as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. If Constitution Day falls on a weekend, it may be held in the previous or next week. The Center offers extensive virtual and in-person programming supported by educational materials for learners of all ages!
Six Great Ways to Celebrate Constitution Day
Visit the National Constitution Center from anywhere with this special virtual tour of our iconic Signers' Hall exhibit.
Explore the ExhibitWatch
In this video from our Constitution 101 Curriculum, we break down the major debates at the Constitutional Convention.
Watch the VideoListen
On this episode of the We the People Podcast, Jeffrey Rosen is joined by special guest scholars to explore the intellectual inspirations behind the Constitution.
Listen to the PodcastRead
Learn more about Benjamin Franklin's Closing Speech at the Constitutional Convention, now avalible on our Founders Library.
Read the SpeechQuiz
Quiz yourself and test how much you know about the delegates at the Constitutional Convention.
Classroom ActivityLearn
Have fun getting to know the phrases of the Preamble while you unscramble the puzzle.
Download This ActivityEvent Video
Naturalization Ceremony
In recognition of Citizenship Day, NCC hosts an annual Naturalization Ceremony, during which 50 immigrants from across the globe take the Oath of Allegiance to officially become citizens of the United States. The Honorable John R. Padova, senior judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, presides over the ceremony. National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen offers remarks and MSNBC host and NCC Trustee Ali Velshi gives the keynote address.
Watch VideoCivic Stories with Justice Neil M. Gorsuch and Janie Nitze
Honorable Neil M. Gorsuch, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and his co-author and former law clerk Janie Nitze, discuss their new book, which focuses on the stories of ordinary Americans who have had to navigate the complexities of the nation’s legal system. Justice Gorsuch also shares with students interesting details from his career, the important role played by the judiciary, and what it’s like to serve on the Supreme Court.
Watch VideoLaunch of Constitution 101 Student Course With Khan Academy
National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen and Khan Academy founder Sal Khan launch the Constitution 101 student course developed in partnership with the Khan Academy. This student-mastery course is designed to empower students with a deeper understanding of the Constitution and its impact on their lives. Moderated by Ohio high school educator Amy Elsass, this special Constitution Day event features questions from students from around the country.
Watch VideoEssential Resources
The Constitution of the United States
Read the Full Text
The Preamble
The Articles
Bill of Rights/Amendments
Teaching Resources

Educational Videos
Browse the latest educational videos on a range of topics and recoded sessions from our live classes.

Constitution 101 Curriculum: High School Level
This high school curriculum offers 15 modules, each with videos, activities, and assessments that allow students to explore the Constitution and historical and philosophical foundation of America's founding principles from a diverse range of voices.
Learn MoreClassroom Resources by Topic
Our instructional materials use the National Constitution Center’s Interactive Constitution to provide students with nonpartisan analysis from top constitutional scholars.
Bill of Rights Overview
First Amendment: Overview
Constitutional Convention
Principles of the American Revolution
Classroom Resource Library
Our resources library has lesson plans, actvities, videos, and Constitution 101 resources for educators, students, and families.
Lesson Plans
Classroom Activities
Classroom Videos
All Educator Resources
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