A Madisonian Constitution for All

A Madisonian Constitution for All examines the state of American constitutional democracy today through the lens of James Madison. As part of the initiative, the National Constitution Center has convened a bipartisan national commission comprised of top constitutional scholars, leading thought leaders, and members of Congress. A key component arising from the Madisonian Commission is an essay series examining the various issues and challenges presented by the unique features of the Madisonian Constitution, and proposes solutions and ways to ensure the future of American democracy while preserving Madisonian principles. In conjunction with the initiative, the Center has partnered with The Atlantic on a web platform convening leading scholars and a range of thought leaders. The Center has also convened the Madisonian Commission and essay authors for workshops and a series of public panels.
This initiative is made possible through generous support from the John Templeton Foundation.
A Madisonian Constitution for All Essay Series
View essays by top liberal and conservative scholars exploring what Madison would think of the media, presidency, courts, and Congress today.
View EssaysThe Battle for the Constitution
The Center has partnered with The Atlantic on a new web platform to publish a series of essays exploring the issues and controversies surrounding the Constitution.
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Listen to podcasts, watch video of past programs, and read blog posts exploring how we can resurrect Madisonian values in a polarized age.
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