Professional Learning Opportunities

Building Bridges: Teachers, Museums, and Deeper Civic Learning

Tuesday, March 11
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Calling all educators and museum professionals: You’re invited to join the National Liberty Museum and the National Constitution Center to explore how museums can serve as trusted partners in classroom civic learning. While museums are widely regarded as reliable, nonpartisan sources of information, teachers currently face a range of challenges as well as a decline in public confidence. This session offers an opportunity to bridge this gap through collaboration and shared strategies.

Museum professionals will share actionable, nonpartisan approaches to support teachers through co-curating and co-producing educational resources. Educators, in turn, will hear from their peers about how they’ve used museums as trusted partners in civic learning. We’ll conclude the session with breakout rooms where educators can share their insights and discuss the additional support they need from museums to make deeper civic learning a reality in their classrooms.

Together, educators and museum professionals can build partnerships that empower teachers, inspire students, and strengthen the role of both museums and schools in their communities.

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