Constitution Daily Blog
Third Amendment
Happy birthday, Bill of Rights!
Today we celebrate the anniversary of the first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights (ratified December 15, 1791). Here’s…

Redcoats in the house? Some myths behind the Third Amendment
Could British troops evict colonists from their homes, eat their food and use their facilities? That’s not exactly true, even…

Battle for the Constitution: Week of October 19, 2020 Roundup
Here is a round-up of the latest from the Battle for the Constitution: a special project on the constitutional debates in American…

Recalling the Supreme Court’s historic statement on contraception and privacy
It was on this day in 1965 that the Supreme Court ruled in a landmark case about contraception use by married couples that laid…

On this day, the English Bill of Rights makes a powerful statement
On February 13, 1689, Parliament in London allowed two new monarchs to take the throne if they honor the rights of English…

Constitution Check: Is there a problem in outfitting local police like combat soldiers?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center's adviser on constitutional literacy, looks at a new debate over the nature of…