Constitution Daily Blog
Supremacy Clause
Daniel Webster’s unique Supreme Court legacy
Daniel Webster was one of the seminal figures of 19th century America as an orator and politician. Perhaps less known is…

Looking Back: Nullification in American History
In two recent Supreme Court opinions about abortion, the constitutional theory of nullification was cited by several justices. But…

Supreme Court to rule on privacy of Trump’s finances
Setting itself a constitutional task that could have a huge impact on presidential politics in 2020, the Supreme Court on Friday…

Trump tax returns case to reach Justices shortly
President Donald Trump’s lawyers plan, within the next 10 days, to go to the Supreme Court with a plea to rule – before the…

Could California really become its own country?
There is now a movement afoot by a group seeking a ballot referendum in California for that state to become its own sovereign…
McCulloch v. Maryland: Expanding the power of Congress
On March 6, 1819, the Supreme Court ruled in McCulloch v. Maryland, holding that Congress has the power to establish a national…