Constitution Daily Blog
Fourth Amendment
On this day, a win for ‘stop and frisk’
On June 10, 1968, the Court ruled that a police officer may stop and search a citizen on the street if the officer has "reasonable…

Olmstead case was a watershed for Supreme Court
Today marks the anniversary of the landmark Olmstead v. United States wiretapping case decided by the Supreme Court, which had a…

Supreme Court to hear Trump immunity, abortion arguments in final sitting
On April 15, 2024, the Supreme Court will start its final scheduled session for the 2023 term, with major cases about abortion…

On this day, massive raids during the Red Scare
The Constitution faced a major test on this day in 1920 when raids ordered by Attorney General Mitchell Palmer saw thousands of…

Happy birthday, Bill of Rights!
Today we celebrate the anniversary of the first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights (ratified December 15, 1791). Here’s…

Constitutional cases resulting from the 9/11 attacks
On September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks carried out against the United States would become the catalyst for at least two wars,…

On this day, the Roe v. Wade decision
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court handed down a decision that continues to divide the nation to this day.

A short list of overturned Supreme Court landmark decisions
With the Supreme Court overruling Roe v. Wade, a look back at overturned landmark cases shows the rarity of such actions.

Significant Supreme Court Cases Remaining in the 2021-2022 Term
With the Supreme Court approaching the start of summer, the justices will likely decide the court’s major remaining cases by…

A conflict at home creates conflict over the Fourth Amendment in the U.S. Supreme Court
The ancient adage says that “a man’s house is his castle.” The Supreme Court would add, “with exceptions.” Next week,…