Constitution Daily Blog
Article VI
Daniel Webster’s unique Supreme Court legacy
Daniel Webster was one of the seminal figures of 19th century America as an orator and politician. Perhaps less known is…

Happy birthday to First United States Congress
On this day in 1789, the First Congress under our current Constitution met in its first joint session in New York and undertook an…

Looking Back: Nullification in American History
In two recent Supreme Court opinions about abortion, the constitutional theory of nullification was cited by several justices. But…

Trump asks Justices for sweeping legal immunity
In a Supreme Court plea that almost surely is unique in American history, President Donald Trump asked the Supreme Court on…

Trump tax returns case to reach Justices shortly
President Donald Trump’s lawyers plan, within the next 10 days, to go to the Supreme Court with a plea to rule – before the…

Sanctuary city moves could force issue closer to court dates
The Justice Department’s announcement of funding sanctions against cities and counties that don’t honor some immigration…

Could Trump administration shut down legal marijuana sales?
Remarks from a Trump spokesman that the new administration might want legal recreational marijuana sales to end in several states…
Could California really become its own country?
There is now a movement afoot by a group seeking a ballot referendum in California for that state to become its own sovereign…
Constitution Check: Are people who follow some religious faiths barred from the presidency?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at how part of the debate about a…
Constitution Check: Do state legislatures have the power to shut down state courts?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s adviser on constitutional literacy, examines the rising pressure that state…