Constitution Daily Blog

Article III, Section 2

On this day, Supreme Court reviews redistricting

by NCC Staff

On March 26, 1962, the Supreme Court decided Baker v. Carr, finding that it had the power to review the redistricting of state…

On this day, Supreme Court reviews redistricting
Marbury v. Madison and the independent Supreme Court

by Nicholas Mosvick

On February 24, 1803, Chief Justice John Marshall issued the Supreme Court’s decision in Marbury v. Madison, establishing the…

Marbury v. Madison and the independent Supreme Court
The 11th Amendment: Correcting the Supreme Court in action

by NCC Staff

The Constitution’s first amendment after the Bill of Rights represented the first use of congressional power to contradict a…

The 11th Amendment: Correcting the Supreme Court in action
Why Texas’s election suit failed to reach first base in the Supreme Court

by Marcia Coyle

The Constitution gives the U.S. Supreme Court a special type of jurisdiction over cases “in which a State shall be Party.” So…

Why Texas’s election suit failed to reach first base in the Supreme Court
Appeals court puts Obamacare’s fate deeper in doubt

by Lyle Denniston

The long-running dispute over the constitutionality of the massive federal health insurance law – the Affordable Care Act, or…

Appeals court puts Obamacare’s fate deeper in doubt
Marbury v. Madison: The Supreme Court claims its power

by Nicandro Iannacci

In an act of “judicial jujitsu,” the Supreme Court issued its decision in Marbury v. Madison on February 24, 1803,…

Marbury v. Madison: The Supreme Court claims its power
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