Constitution Daily Blog
Article I, Section 5
Understanding the process to replace Justice Breyer
With the official announcement of Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement from the Supreme Court after its current term, all…

Can President Trump be impeached after he leaves office?
The expected impeachment proceedings on Wednesday against President Donald J. Trump will surface one of the Constitution’s most…

On this day: The Senate censures Joseph McCarthy
December 2 is a landmark day in Senate history, marking that chamber’s historic censure of Joseph McCarthy for his conduct…

A Supreme Court nominee and the perfect storm
The U.S. Supreme Court has been an issue in presidential elections throughout most of its history, although perhaps never quite…

The Supreme Court nomination process: What happens next
On Saturday, President Donald J. Trump said he would seek to nominate a replacement for the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, on…

Who is the Senate Parliamentarian and what does she do?
The impending Senate impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump could see an important figure in the national spotlight who is…

To Try an Impeachment, Part I: The Basics
Now that the House of Representatives has impeached President Donald J. Trump for alleged high crimes and misdemeanors,…

House votes to impeach President Trump; what happens next?
The House of Representatives adopted two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Wednesday evening, setting in…

House Democrats unveil articles of impeachment
The House Judiciary Committee has introduced a resolution proposing two articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump.…

The presidency, impeachment and an enduring dilemma
From the debates of the Founders in Philadelphia in 1787 to today’s congressional impeachment inquiry aimed at President Donald…